apartment decorating ideas

Apartment Decorating Ideas

You can opt for different apartment decorating ideas that suit your taste and give your home decor a personal touch as well. Read on to know more about the different schemes and ideas to decorate your apartment.

Experimenting with different ideas while decorating your apartment can be fun, and the result will give you immense satisfaction. You can either choose a theme and decorate your apartment, which will also match your style and taste, or you can go for a scheme which will give an illusion of space even if your apartment is small. If both these options don't strike your fancy, then you can even collect stuff from a flea market, and create a totally unique but cool look. For a Feminine Look When you want to decorate an apartment for girls, opt for shades of pink as the wall color. You can add accents of pink to your wall trims, or paint a wall white with thick vertical thick stripes in pink. Other options include yellow, purple, green, orange, etc. You can also go for light shades of these colors and paint your rooms. You can also experiment with ideas like the striped effect, or get a wall textured, or rubber stamp one wall with multi-color flowers and leave the rest of the three walls white. Use bed sheets with nice designs, pretty color lamps, vases, and curtains to decorate your apartment. For additional lights, you can opt for Chinese paper lamps, which are pretty cheap and available in various colors. You can try some DIY project like canvas art ideas, and hang them on the walls. You can always keep your apartment a bit empty, and keep adding to the decoration later, when you find the right stuff. For a Masculine Look For a masculine look, wall colors like brown, gray, or shades of blue are the best colors for the walls. You can also experiment and paint the living room walls in a light shade of gray, and hang your LCD TV on one wall. Pain the wall opposite the TV completely black, and then paint large bobs of fluorescent paint color to give a twist to your living room decor. Go for items which have a sleek look, like modern furniture of steel lamps, glass coffee table with steel legs, metal chairs with black furniture seats, backrest, etc. Mix some black leather furniture with steel decorating items, and you will have an ultra-cool and modern-looking apartment. Funky Apartment Those who appreciate color, and don't mind their apartment looking something out of the 70s, can go for this theme to create a unique apartment. Use bright colors like, green, red, purple, yellow, etc., for the walls. Ideas like white polka dots on a purple wall, flower rubber stamps on the walls, striped walls, etc., will also help in giving a funky look to your apartment. You can opt for some painting which glows in black light, and keep some fluorescent stuff around to create a funky night theme which will glow when the lights in the apartment are off. Add weird or modern-shaped furniture, maybe a water bed if it's comfortable, floor-sitting in your living room, and a hookah to add more to the effect. Family Apartment For a family apartment you will need to consider each individual and will have to paint the individual rooms accordingly. Rooms where everybody visits, like the living room and kitchen, can be painted in any color you like. For the living room you can go for off-white walls, with cherry or brown shades of furniture, a black LCD TV, a big couch in a dark shade (leather black couch because they go with everything and give a modern look), and accompanying chairs. Go for black appliances and steel furniture for kitchen decorating, and paint it in lavender color, for a modern kitchen look. Small-sized But Bigger Looking Apartment If you have a small apartment, then with some smart ideas you can create an illusion of more space. Go for shades that are close to white, like light gray, off-white, and yellow. To give the illusion of more space, there should be more light in the apartment. So, try getting additional light fixtures to increase the amount of light. Keep your apartment uncluttered, and go for furniture which looks compact, but gives you a lot of storage space. Try not to add too many decorating items; just 2 to 3 items per room will do, like a lamp, a vase, a houseplant or painting. Bathrooms and bedrooms are spaces which should not be overdecorated. Don't use bright-colored items or wall colors for this space. You can use a light color and a few of your personal favorite items to decorate your bedroom, but for bathrooms go for white or off-white, and keep things uncluttered. To decorate your bathroom, use a small indoor plant like a lucky bamboo, some hanging wooden shelves to store your lotions and soaps, and hang a nice lamp to make your apartment bathroom look bigger. Well, I can go on and on. But, I guess you got the idea. Even if you are not following apartment decoration ideas of a particular theme, make sure you don't put items which totally mismatch with other furnishings or wall colors. And make sure the transition from one room of the apartment to other room is a smooth one. Have fun decorating your apartment.

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Корпоративные преимущества:
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Существует богатый список новых и старых игровых автоматов, которые погружают пользователя в ту или иную тематическую атмосферу.
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Заманчивые награды и приятные бонусы.
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Азартные приключения предназначены для удовольствия, а не разочарования, поэтому вносите на игровой счет только ту сумму, с которой не жалко расставаться.