anxiety sleep disorders

Anxiety Sleep Disorders

A sound sleep during the night is very essential for a healthy body. But many fail to get the required sleep, due to stress and anxieties which lead to anxiety sleep disorders.

Today, a large number of people suffer from anxiety sleep disorders. People who are affected by this often try very hard to fall asleep, but are unable to do so. Lack of sleep for several nights in a row can lead to many health problems. Sleep deprivation reduces one's efficiency at the workplace and can be a cause of road accidents. Causes The major cause of this condition is found to be stress, arising from fears and anxieties that occupy a person's mind all through the day. When such a person tries to sleep at night, these thoughts involuntarily take charge of his mind and body and do not let him relax. Thus, the body is tired and needs sleep; but, the mind remains taut and refuses to relax. In such a condition, even if the person is able to catch some abrupt sleep, the mind and the body fail to get the much-needed rest. Symptoms People who suffer from anxiety often experience panic attacks (periods of intense fear and apprehension) with symptoms, such as a thumping heart, trembling, excessive sweating, gasping for breath, nausea, etc. Mostly these bouts occur at night, during the late stages of sleep, waking the person up with a pounding heart and sense of panic, among other above mentioned symptoms. As a result of the attack, they lose their sleep and fail to get back to sleep. They become restless and move around their beds. They feel stressed out, and start worrying over mostly imaginary things and lose their desire to sleep. This kind of situation causes this disorder. In case their life is going through some tough phase, then the problem of sleep deprivation may get more serious. Treatment Medication is a short-term solution. It can be used for some time to reduce the anxiety, but it is not a good solution. Some changes in our habits, and inclusion of exercises in our daily routine are more effective ways of treating this disorder. In the evenings and prior to bedtime, consumption of caffeinated substances, like coffee, chocolate drinks, or foods with high sugar content should be strictly avoided. Caffeine often tends to worsen the condition, increasing anxiety. Exercises, like swimming or aerobics help our body to unwind the tense muscles, and this leads to relaxation. However, exercises should be done at least a few hours before the sleeping time, because the energy derived from the exercise needs some time to wear off. Meditation helps to quiet a restless mind and give the body a sound sleep. Sleeping Habits Maintaining good sleeping habits help us to fall asleep very easily. This means taking some steps to make the bedroom a clean and comfortable place. Some tips to ensure a good night's sleep are:
  • Bedroom should be used only during sleeping time. This helps the body to relate the bedroom as well as the bed with sleep.
  • Reading or watching TV in bed should be strictly avoided. Stop watching TV, at least 30 minutes before bedtime.
  • Try to have a fixed time for sleeping. Even on weekends, the time to go to bed and wake up time should remain fixed. Daytime naps should be strictly avoided.
  • A warm bath half an hour before bedtime helps in getting a good sleep.
  • Keep the face of the clock away from the bed so that you cannot see it when you are awake.
  • Take professional help if necessary.
This condition, if ignored for a long time, can have a serious impact on one's health, like weakening of immune system or alteration in personality. Therefore, appropriate measures should be taken to treat this problem. Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.

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