lemon health benefits

Lemon Health Benefits

Lemon is a juicy and delicious fruit used to make drinks like ice tea and lemonade. It is also used to flavor different dishes and used as a dressing for many salads. Other than its cooking uses, let us look at its nutrition facts and health benefits.

So, what are the ingredients in the lively lemon, which provide so many health benefits? Why is this fruit used by people to lose weight, why is it suggested to be taken when one is suffering from common throat or nose infections? Here are the nutritional facts and the health benefits of lemons, which promote good body and skin health. Nutritional Facts Everybody knows that lemons are rich in vitamin C, here is the amount of vitamin C and amount of other nutrients per 108 grams serving of 1 fruit without the seeds.
Nutrient Daily Value
Vitamin A 1%
Vitamin C 139%
Thiamin 4%
Vitamin B6 6%
Riboflavin 3%
Niacin 1%
Calcium 7%
Iron 4%
Pantothenic Acid 3%
Potassium 4%
Phosphorus 2%
Magnesium 3%
Zinc 1%
Copper 14%
Health Benefits Lemon juice is 5 percent citric acid, which is why it has a tart taste, but it is actually one of the most alkaline food and helpful to restore the balance of the body of people which are used to an acidic diet. Excellent Antioxidant: It contains huge amounts of vitamin C, which is an excellent antioxidant. Antioxidants act like scavengers against the harmful free radicals present in the body which cause aging and other health problems. Skin Benefits: Lemon juice due to its vitamin C rich content when consumed daily will bring glow to your skin. It is an antiseptic and thus can be used to treat skin infections. You can use it to reduce the burning sensation of the skin. If applied regularly on the scars, it can substantially reduce the scars, also it helps in anti-aging. One can also use its juice for acne treatment. Hair Care: To get rid of dandruff, dilute juice of two lemons with hot water and use it as a last rinse. You will get rid of dandruff, as lemon is a good cleansing agent and gives a soft and shiny texture to your hair. Throat Infections: It is antibacterial and helps to get rid of many throat infections. When suffering from throat infections you can either make warm lemon tea and drink it, or use the water for gargling. The vitamin C content also helps to heal faster during infections. Dental Care: Its juice provides relief from toothache, if applied on the affected area. To stop gum bleeding you can massage yours gums with the juice. If you are looking for a bad breath cure, then in a glass of water add 1 lemon juice and use it as a mouthwash to freshen your breath. Weight Loss: Lemon is the key ingredient in the master cleanse lemonade diet. Taking hot water and honey helps in weight loss, if taken on an empty stomach in the morning. High Blood Pressure: Lemon with water is very helpful for people suffering from heart-related problems. It contains good amount of potassium, and helps in treating high blood pressure and nausea. Blood Purification: Lemon water acts as a blood purifier and helps in treating diseases like malaria and cholera. Diuretic: It is one of the excellent natural diuretic foods as it helps to flush out the bacteria and toxins out of the body. Lowering Fever: Lemon water helps in conditions of cold/flu and lowers down the fever, as it increases perspiration. Respiratory Problems: It is beneficial for asthma patients, as it helps to treat respiratory tract-related problems. Stomach Conditions: Hot water with lemon juice benefits greatly to provide relieve from many stomach conditions. It provides relief from indigestion, heartburn, bloating, nausea, stomach parasites, constipation, etc. You can exploit the health benefits of lemon better if it's taken with lukewarm water. So keep having lemon juice with water daily, and it will bring a glow to your skin and provide you good health from the inside!

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