lead paint removal

Lead Paint Removal

If your house was built before 1978, it is possible that the paint used contains lead. This paint is harmful for health and needs to be removed. This article provides you with all necessary instructions on how to remove lead paint from your walls.

Before you start stripping the paint off your walls, you need to make necessary arrangements, like shifting all your furniture, carpets, and curtains away from the walls. If shifting them is impossible, then you need to cover them with large plastic sheets. Cover the floor with these sheets too, and seal up all the nooks using tape. Make sure that the loose particles of paint do not come in contact with any furniture or fixtures. Cover your garden well if the paint removal is outdoors. Do not undertake this task if there is too much wind, and also keep children, pets, and pregnant woman from the removal site. For your protection, wear safety gear like disposable overalls, gloves, goggles, and shoe covers. Do not eat, drink, or smoke while doing this task. Procedure The safest and most convenient way of removing all the lead paint from your walls is by using chemical strippers. Use the paste variety as they stick well to the molding and other uneven surfaces. The stripper should be applied with the help of a brush, but make sure you do not brush the surface too much as it can evaporate the essential components of the stripper and render it ineffective. Allow the paste to settle, and you will find that the paint has softened, which will result in formation of bubbles. Start scrapping off the softened paint using a broad putty knife. To remove paint from the molding, use brushes that have bristles made of brass. After having completed the first round of removal, if you find that certain parts still have layers of lead left behind, use some alkaline stripper to get rid of these. Alkaline strippers are also available in the form of paste and are water-based. They do not produce any fumes and will not harm your hands and eyes. Apply this stripper with brush and then keep it untouched for full 24 hours. Cover the surface with freezer paper and press the paper well over the surface to ensure that maximum possible air is eliminated. The next day, remove the paint layers along with the freezer paper with the help of narrow putty knife. Then wash off thoroughly with sponge and water and you can see that all the paint and stripper are gone. Clean the wall and the surrounding areas well with some mild detergent and water. Pack up all the debris in plastic bags, seal them, and dispose them in dustbins. Never burn the remnants as the fumes released are toxic.

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