is soy milk gluten free

Is Soy Milk Gluten Free?

Do you prefer soy milk over regular milk? Have you developed glucose intolerance? If you are wondering if soy milk is gluten free, then leaf through the following article, that describes soy milk nutrition facts.

Soy milk is a substitute for cow's milk. Actually, it is not milk, but a drink obtained from soybeans, and is as healthy and nutritious as cow's milk. Those who don't like cow's milk can opt for soy milk. As it is man-made, it is available in various flavors. The following section explains whether soy milk is gluten free or not. Soy Milk Nutritional Facts Soybeans are soaked, ground, and strained to get soy milk. Those who are diagnosed with lactose intolerance, prefer milk substitutes like soy milk. Lactose is a type of sugar which is found only in milk and milk products. If your body is not capable of breaking down milk sugars, then you may exhibit symptoms like bloating, stomach pain, diarrhea, etc. The condition is called lactose intolerance. So, those who are lactose intolerant can drink soy milk instead of cow's milk as it is lactose free. Diabetic people need to restrict the intake of sugar. They can also drink soy milk instead of cow's milk to the lower sugar present in soy milk. This milk is rich in proteins and it provides sufficient carbohydrates and fats to maintain energy levels. Moreover, it is cholesterol free. Fortified versions of soy milk come with sufficient vitamins and minerals like calcium, vitamin B12, D, E, etc. Plant-based chemicals, called isoflavones, help lower bad cholesterol levels and prevent heart diseases. Various studies have proved that infants who find it difficult to digest cow's milk can be given soy milk. Soy Milk and Gluten Like lactose intolerance, certain people develop glucose intolerance. They cannot tolerate gluten in the food. Gluten is a compound of two proteins, namely glutenin and gliadin. It is mainly found in rye, wheat, and barley. As soybeans are naturally gluten free, soy milk should not contain gluten. But certain brands of soy milk do contain a small amount of gluten which can be troublesome for those who have gluten allergy or gluten intolerance. The following brands claim that they provide gluten free soy milk.
  • Edensoy Unsweetened
  • Silk Soy Plain Soymilk
  • Natura Brand Soy Milk
  • Westsoy
  • Soya Life
  • Organic Nature
  • Organic Valley
  • Edenblend Organic Rice and Soy Beverage
  • Pacific Natural Foods Enriched Soy Milk
Those diagnosed with celiac disease (damaged lining of small intestine, poor absorption of nutrients) should consult a doctor before opting for soy milk. Certain ingredients in soy milk can prove to be harmful for them. Sometimes, carrageenen, a gel, is added to improve the texture and consistency of soy milk. This food additive can lead to inflammation of the intestines. Prolonged use may result in ulcers. The brand Vitasoy claims to be carrageenen free, but some of its products (calci-plus range) are not gluten free. Some products use barley in the production of the milk. These cannot be gluten free. For example, Westsoy NF vanilla soy milk has barley in it. Gluten can be removed during the production process, but some people can become sick due to traces of gluten left in the milk. You should check the labels carefully, before buying soy milk. Soy milk is labeled as gluten free because, according to the FDA rules the food product can be labeled as gluten-free after removing certain amount of gluten from the food. You might have come across certain food products that are labeled as containing '0 Calories'; they actually contain 4 or less calories per serving. Similarly gluten free products may contain a little gluten. It can be concluded that most of the time, soy milk is gluten free, but certain brands may contain gluten. Consult your dietitian or physician before opting for a new brand. If you notice gastrointestinal problems after consumption of soy milk, consult your doctor immediately.

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