is it worth spending money on bulletproof coffee

Is it Worth Spending Money on Bulletproof Coffee?

We want to hack our way to good health, don't we? There's never enough time to actually eat healthy, so every now and then a new fad diet crops up and instills a false hope in us. Everybody goes gaga over it without understanding if it's really effective. One such latest craze, the bulletproof coffee has been examined in this Buzzle write-up.

Warning! There have been cases of cholesterol spikes and other problems, due to consumption of bulletproof coffee. So, if you have any health problems, it is better to avoid this fatty coffee.
You must have definitely heard about the latest hack, the bulletproof coffee. Everyone's talking about it, most people have tried it, some loved it, while others hated it. What about you? Oh you still haven't dared to try it, and are wondering if it's really worth spending money on. We hope to answer that question for you, along with clearing all your doubts about bulletproof coffee. Read on to know the benefits and side-effects of bulletproof coffee in the upcoming sections.
What is bulletproof coffee?
Bulletproof coffee is a drink made of coffee, butter, and oil. It is said to be a potent health drink with many health benefits. The recipe was first made by Dave Asprey, who was inspired by the yak-butter tea which he tried in Tibet. He was instantly rejuvenated by it. The bulletproof coffee is based on the same principle, and is said to keep you feeling energetic and satiated for 6 hours after its consumption. Bulletproof coffee recipe requires following ingredients. 2 cups of freshly brewed coffee 2 tablespoons (at least) of grass-fed, unsalted butter and 1-2 tablespoons of MCT oil All the ingredients are mixed in a blender so that the fats emulsify properly. And, then the drink is served. Using a blender ensures that all the fats and coffee mix properly. Just adding butter to your coffee will lead to fatty drink with all the butter floating on top.
Ingredients Used
Upgraded Coffee It is a coffee created by Dave Asprey. He claims that a secret roasting process makes the coffee free of harmful mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are compounds caused by the mold that may be present in the coffee, which is dangerous for our health. Using Upgraded Coffee will help in controlling caffeine jitters. However one can also make use of normal coffee beans since they are wet-roasted, which removes the mycotoxin. So, it may not be very important to spend so much money on upgraded beans, when you can use any good-quality coffee. Brain Octane Oil Brain Octane oil has higher concentration of saturated fat. It doesn't really matter which MCT you use. You also opt for coconut oil to save some cost. But, high-quality products will give you better results. Grass-fed Butter Salty butter and coffee is definitely not a very appealing combination. Use only unsalted butter or ghee in your coffee. Remember grass-fed unsalted butter is the best option, if you want to get optimum benefits from your coffee. It is packed with all the necessary vitamins. Advocates of the bulletproof coffee and diet, believe that when you use the right ingredients - upgraded coffee beans, brain octane oil, and Kerrygold unsalted butter, ONLY then you'll see the difference. If you carefully consider the prices of these ingredients, you will want to cut down the cost with just a few tweaks. Substitute upgraded coffee with a cheaper, yet good coffee, use coconut oil, and buy any reasonably priced grass-fed butter. If you don't mind spending extra, and want the real stuff, go for the specified products.
The Taste
Coffee tastes delicious, so does butter. But when you combine the two along with some oil, the result may not be palatable for all. The fans of bulletproof coffee love the buttery taste. But ardent coffee lovers may not like anything else messing the strong aroma of their coffee.
Benefits of bulletproof coffee
Let's not get into the never-ending discussion about whether coffee is good or bad. Moderate amount of coffee, not more than 3 cups each day is considered alright by most people. Addition of butter, MCT oil, and of course using upgraded or very high-quality coffee does make a lot of difference. Having bulletproof coffee first thing in the morning will instantly kick start your day on a high energy note. You will feel full, and satiated for a long time. It will help curb any sugar cravings. Regular consumption will lead to: Higher cognitive functions Higher energy levels More mental focus Lesser cravings Weight loss
Will it lead to weight loss or gain?
Now since bulletproof coffee is anyway high in calories, eating a huge breakfast with it may obviously lead to weight gain. So, is bulletproof a meal replacement? Well, according to the bulletproof diet, yes. But it is definitely not recommended. You may feel full till lunch, but by substituting your breakfast with just a coffee, you are abstaining your body from all the different nutrients a healthy, well-balanced breakfast will provide. Another factor that baffles many is, isn't fat bad? Well, not all fat is bad, and eating the good fat actually helps our body to burn it off in a better way. When you consume bulletproof coffee as a meal, you are actually practicing intermittent fasting. This leads to ketosis, and our body starts burning all the extra fat. Now, this may not be a good idea for everybody. The best way, would be the middle road, enjoy bulletproof occasionally. If you really like the taste, and have grown fond of this coffee, restrict the frequency. In case you are still wondering whether to spend a fortune on the upgraded beans, we suggest you try the recipe with your normal coffee first. There have been extreme reactions to this buttery coffee. So, it is better you at least see if you can develop a taste for it. Then, if you feel you want the real diet coffee, opt for the upgraded ones. Bulletproof coffee is not a dangerous drink if enjoyed occasionally along with a healthy diet, but as replacement for breakfast, may not work for all. People who are following the bulletproof diet, of which this coffee is a part can definitely go for it.

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