intermediate colors

Intermediate Colors

Intermediate colors are formed by mixing two or more colors to create a different hue. Read on to know about this color mixing technique.

Intermediate Colors of Light The electromagnetic spectrum is composed of different wavelengths of light. The visible spectrum of light lies between 400 nm to 700 nm, approximately. There are two theories put forward, for reproduction of color. These are additive colors and subtractive colors. The primary colors of light are Red Green and Blue (RGB). Combination of red and green creates yellow, blue and green creates cyan and mixing red and blue gives magenta. This new combination of colors is known as secondary colors. When these secondary hues or additive primaries are overlapped, they bring out different new combinations, that are known as intermediate colors of light. Infinite numbers of intermediate colors of light can be produced by combining complementary shades. Intermediate Colors in Art Intermediate colors in art is also produced by the same technique. These colors are subtle tools to highlight special features or give a new dimension to the art. They have wide application in abstract art where the art itself enjoys total freedom and so its colors. To improve your artistic skills, you can try the trial and error method and get the concept of color mixing technique. Creating intermediate colors and observing the difference between color patterns is interesting. Here are some examples try on your palette. Examples of Intermediate Colors By now you might have known the primary and secondary colors in details. Now try combing these and see different textures in your art. To make your concept clear, have a look at the following examples.
  • green + yellow = chartreuse
  • red + purple = magenta
  • blue + green = aquamarine
  • yellow + orange = marigold
  • purple + blue = violet
  • red + yellow = orange
  • green + cyan = aquamarine
  • blue + cyan = azure
  • red + magenta = fuchsia
  • magenta + red = violet
  • blue + violet = indigo
  • violet + red = violet red
  • orange + yellow = yellow orange
  • orange + red = vermilion
  • orange + purple = russet
  • orange + green = citron
  • purple + green = olive
Creating intermediate colors is genuinely fun. Just splash a color and merge the other. Get the resultant hue and blend with another. Try this technique to improvise your skills on palette. This way you can even expand your ideas about color and utilize them while giving a form to your imagination.

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