information about american sable rabbits

Information About American Sable Rabbits

The sepia tone of the American Sable rabbit gives this furry animal a rich look. Behind these brown shades and cuddly physique, this rabbit has an interesting trail of facts and history. This Buzzle article has some interesting facts about the American Sable rabbit.

They love the Americas! More than half the number of sable rabbits in the world reside in North America!
With lovely brown fur and rich tones, the American Sable rabbit makes a handsome breed of rabbits. For rabbit lovers, this breed is a good choice as pets. The name American Sable comes from the color of its fur, which is sable in color. This breed of rabbits is medium- to large-sized, with no specific variation in color. What makes these rabbits more interesting is their history and origin. Most of you will be surprised to know that more than half the population of these rabbits have made America their home. In the following section of the article, we will check out some fun facts and information about the American Sable rabbit.
American Sable Rabbit Information
History and Origin
Where did these furry buttons originate? Well, the American Sable rabbit was born with the breeding of Chinchilla crosses. In 1924, a man named Mr. Otto Brock of San Gabriel, California, crossbred two colored Chinchilla rabbit breeds. The result was a sepia-toned soft, furred sable rabbit. The color of these rabbits was similar to that of the Siamese cats, which are lighter on the main body and darker towards the paws, face, nose, and tail. They were included in the American Rabbit and Cavy Breeders Association in 1931. Another story of the origin of these rabbits takes us to England, where it is believed these rabbits first originated. A man named Mr. David Irving, of Liverpool, England, had imported chinchilla rabbits from France during the 1910s. The breeding of these led to the birth of sable-colored rabbits, with deep hues. He was not too impressed with them, but other English breeders took initiative and bred these rabbits, which led to the origin of the sable-colored rabbits in England. The British Sable Club was formed in 1927, and they were accepted in the British Fur Rabbit society. In California, by the 1970s, the popularity of these rabbits was declining. By 1981, the ARBA National Convention Conference saw only one American Sable. A man named Al Roerdanz made dedicated efforts to locate sable rabbits for breeding. This led to the locating of 7 more sables, which were then bred to save the American Sable rabbit from extinction.
Physical Traits
American Sable rabbits can be termed as medium to large rabbits, with an average weight of 7 to 10 pounds. Their lifespan is between 5 - 10 years. They have a rounded body, and the top line of their body is defined by a smooth and continuous curve, from the base of the neck to the tail, just like chinchilla rabbits. The fur is soft, silky, and rollback. They also have a dense undercoat. Their eyes are bold and bright, generally brown and dark due to the excess albino genes that these rabbits possess. The eyes have a ruby tint and glow. They have a medium-sized head, with erect ears. The color of these rabbits have a similar pattern to that of the Siamese cat. The color is dark sepia brown at some parts, such as the tail, head, feet, and nose. It gradually fades as it travels towards the rest of the body. The kits are born white or gray.
Personality Traits
These rabbits are great pets and quite easy to handle. They have a docile temperament, so they spend most of the time sleeping. They are social beings, and get along well with other pets like guinea pigs, dogs, and cats. They are calm and friendly, and like the attention of their owners. They are very delicate, timid, and can get easily stressed. Hence, they may not be suitable as pets for small children. They are most active at sunset and sunrise. These rabbits may grunt and thump their hind legs whenever they are stressed.
These rabbits are herbivorous, with hay being their most important food. They also need a diet rich in fiber, and vegetables in appropriate quantity to keep their health at their best. Fruits like peaches, carrot , plums, apples, and pears can also be fed to them once in a while. A daily supply of freshwater is also required.
Grooming and Care
Due to the thick coat, American Sable rabbits take longer to shed. They shed in patches, and hence, may need a little more attention for grooming as compared to other rabbits. They need simple brushing at least once in a week. This also prevents matting of the fur. Rabbits, however, are known to naturally clean each other, by licking the head, eyes, nose, and ears.
The above was all about American Sable rabbits. With proper care, these ruby-eyed, soft, and furry buttons, make adorable pets!

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