how to take care of a baby sparrow

How to Take Care of a Baby Sparrow

To save a life is divine, and to save the life of a helpless, dumb creature like that of a baby sparrow is divinity in itself. This Buzzle article will aid you with some basic tips which can be practiced preliminarily as steps to follow for a baby sparrow care regime.

Out of Reach!
Keep your baby sparrows safe from cats and dogs in the vicinity. Even if they don't hurt them fatally, or bruise them, still, the chances of fatality are not ruled out, because their mere touch can transmit a bacterium to the little one, killing it eventually.
Well, ideally, and perhaps on instinct, it is best to place a baby bird back in its nest. But if the bird's nest is nowhere to be found, then perhaps it isn't too bad an idea to become the good old Samaritan and nurture the little baby yourself, till it is hale and hearty to find its way around, and spread its wings amidst the azure sky. In the trailing paragraphs of this article, you would find an answer to some of the most common questions we often come across, like what do baby sparrows eat, or how to raise a baby sparrow, or is it at all feasible to revive and save a baby house sparrow which fell out of its nest.
Step 1
See if the baby sparrow has feathers to keep itself warm. If not, you need to warm it up as quickly as possible.
How to warm the baby sparrow
In a small box, place some rags or towels to make a cushion-like seat. Place the bird on it, and then place it in the box, after having it covered with some more towels. Now place the box on a heating pad. You can also use some other alternatives if you can't find a heating pad. Take a soft towel and heat it up so that it becomes cozy for the poor bird. Wrap the bird up in the towel, enough to cover most of it, but leave some space for it to breathe. Now, place it into a box which you have already covered with rags or towels. You have to replace the towel with a fresh, warm one every few hours. Keep repeating this, so that the bird remains warm in the absence of its feathers.
Step 2
The bird has perhaps not been able to drink water since the time it fell off its nest or was abandoned. So, before giving it food, it is primary to supply some water to it at the earliest, lest it should die of dehydration.
Hydrate the bird
To provide it with sufficient water, you would need an old syringe, or you can also grab a dropper, and drop a few drops of water onto its beak.
Step 3
It's now time to give it a home. It is not practically possible to make a nest for the little one. But, it is however possible to lend it a makeshift home, where it can thrive.
Give it a home
If the bird which you have found has got feathers, you can skip step 1. You can rather pick an old basket, or a flower tumbler, and fill it with dried hay, straw, or dried grass. Now follow step 2, because it will definitely need water to recover.
Step 4
After water and warmth, the next important need is to give it some food to eat. Now, since it's a baby, it can't chew on grains. So, the food which is ideal for it has to be soft enough for it to chew/swallow, without hurting it.
To begin with, you can grab some pet food, like cat or dog food. Soften it with water, making it into an almost paste-like state, and feed it cautiously to the bird. Eventually, you can buy some proper bird food which is available abundantly. There are also some powdered forms of bird formula which are nutritious and effective. You don't need to feed the bird very often. All you need to do is push in some of the food into its mouth with a dropper. Repeat this process at regular intervals every one to two hours. Make sure not to feed it too much, otherwise it will interfere with proper breathing.
Step 5
The bird had come to you from the wild. It belongs there. So, when the time is apt, and the bird can fly and manage its life independently, release it into the wild.
These were some important steps to save a house sparrow from succumbing to ill-fate and death. If you are really sensitive towards such baby birds who have somehow been separated from their folks, then get in touch with a rehabilitation center to help diagnose any disease, at the earliest.

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