how to stop hair loss

How to Stop Hair Loss

Also known as alopecia, hair loss can be a temporary or a permanent condition. Some people use medicines or surgeries to treat this condition. Others may use hairpieces to hide the problem. This article provides information about the various home remedies to prevent this condition.

Hair loss has become a common phenomenon among people all across the world. Though hair loss is a problem that is most commonly seen in men, it is not a thing that is unknown to women. Be it men or women, the sight of lost hair is often quite frustrating. The cause of this condition cannot be attributed to just one factor. Rather, there are several factors that can lead to this condition. Hereditary factors are one of the most common reasons for this condition, and this is often passed from father to son. Another reason for hair loss that has become quite common in the recent years is a stressful life. Apart from this, various diseases like hypo/hyperthyroidism, seborrheic dermatitis, etc., may observe hair loss as the symptom. People taking medications or undergoing treatment for diseases like arthritis, cancer, heart problems, etc. are also said to experience hair loss as a side effect of the treatment or the drugs. In case of women, hair loss is a common occurrence a few months after the birth of the child. Apart from this, hair loss may also be a side effect of birth control pills. Whatever be the reason, it is important to stop this problem as soon as possible, because once the process of baldness starts, it is difficult to grow back hair. So, let us take a look at some methods to stop hair loss in both men and women. Stopping Hair Loss and Regrowing New Hair Many people use various products available in market to stop hair loss and regrow new hair. Though for some, these products may work, most of the time, they cause more damage to hair. Therefore, it is better to stop hair loss using natural methods. With natural methods, one can not only regrow lost hair but at the same time will also be able to protect it from damage. Saw Palmetto Saw palmetto is a herb that has been found to be effective in hair loss prevention. This herb aids in stopping the production of the hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is said to be responsible for hair loss. There are a variety of shampoos and hair care products that contain saw palmetto and using them may help in stopping alopecia. Apart from this, one should also take its supplements for eliminating this problem completely. Olive Oil Another way is to apply olive oil to the hair regularly. To receive the best results, mix honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon in hot olive oil and apply the paste on your hair. Allow the paste to stay on your hair for 15 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Aloe Vera Apart from saw palmetto and olive oil, applying aloe vera is also beneficial. You can either apply raw aloe vera directly on your hair, or use gel that is commercially available in the market. You should apply aloe vera gel on your hair and then wash it off with cold water. Use a good conditioner afterwards. Balanced Diet Just like our body, our hair also needs essential nutrients to stay healthy. Therefore, having a balanced diet is the best way of eliminating the problem of hair loss. Some of the essential foods that one should incorporate in his/her diet includes potatoes, beans, raisins, eggs, seafood, bean sprouts, etc. People must also see to it that their diet provides them with the necessary vitamins and minerals which include vegetables, grains, fruits, nuts, etc. If you think that your diet is not able to give you the required nutrients, additional multivitamin supplements may also be helpful. Tips on Preventing Hair Loss in Women and Men Apart from the natural remedies there are several other things that one should keep in mind. Here are some tips to prevent hair loss.
  • Avoid using hair products like hair dyes, hair colors, hair dryers, curlers, etc., on a regular basis as they damage the hair very badly. If you want to indulge in hair coloring or hair dyeing, make sure that you keep a gap of 6-8 weeks between two sessions.
  • It is also important to choose hair care products carefully. Avoid using shampoos and conditioners that are made from harsh chemicals, as they can harm your hair. Hence, it will be better to use shampoos and conditioners that are made from herbs and other natural products.
  • It is necessary to quit smoking and alcohol consumption. If hair loss is caused due to the intake of certain types of medications, consult your doctor immediately. He'll be in a better position to recommend some other medicine to cure the health problem.

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