how to say beautiful in different languages

How to Say Beautiful in Different Languages

Every part of the world is abundant with beauty, and every language has its own word for expressing admiration for it. This Buzzle article lists down the many ways to say beautiful in different languages.

"Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder." ― Plato, Greek philosopher
The above quote holds true in so many ways. Every mother finds her child to be beautiful, while the mother is the most beautiful woman on earth to her child. Tasting an apple pie is beautiful; making mushroom soup for your loved ones is beautiful. Listening to a 'Happy Birthday' song sung to you by your friends and family is beautiful; putting on the wedding ring your spouse gifted you is beautiful. The help of strangers is beautiful; doing random acts of kindness is beautiful. Life, in short, is a pursuit of beauty―finding beauty in people and events and ultimately realizing the beauty of your own soul. We search for beauty everywhere. We tour all around the world in search of beauty. We go sightseeing to admire nature's bounty. We indulge in cuisines from all over the world. We adulate the culture from different parts of the world―the music, traditions, festivals, greetings, and the language. Speaking about language, each one of them has its own distinctive characteristic. It would be so wonderful if we knew how to express the word 'beautiful' in the language spoken in a particular part of the world. In this article, we tell you how to say beautiful in different languages.
Beautiful in 80 Different Languages
Afrikaans pragtige
Arabic hellwa
Azerbaijani gözəl
Belarusian pryhožaja
Bosnian lijepa
Catalan bella
Chinese Měilì
Czech krásná
Dutch mooi
Esperanto bela
Filipino maganda
French beau
Georgian lamazi
Greek ómorfi̱
Haitian bèl
Hebrew yafah
Hmong zoo nkauj
Icelandic falleg
Indonesian indah
Italian bello
Javanese ayu
Khmer da srasa saat
Lao ngam
Latvian skaista
Macedonian ubava
Maltese beautiful
Marathi sundara
Nepali sundara
Polish piękna
Punjabi sudara
Russian krasivaya
Slovak krásna
Somali qurux
Swahili nzuri
Swedish vacker
Telugu andamaina
Turkish güzel
Urdu khoobsoorat
Welsh hardd
Yoruba lẹwa
Albanian bukur
Armenian geghets’ik
Basque eder
Bengali sundara
Bulgarian krasiv
Cebuano maanindot nga
Croatian lijepa
Danish smuk
English beautiful
Estonian ilus
Finnish kaunis
Galician fermosa
German schön
Gujarati sundara
Hausa kyau
Hindi sundara
Hungarian szép
Igbo mara mma
Irish álainn
Japanese Utsukushī
Kannada sundara
Korean aleumdaun
Latin pulchram
Lithuanian gražus
Malay cantik
Maori ataahua
Mongolian saikhan
Norwegian vakker
Persian ghæshæng
Portuguese bela
Romanian frumos
Serbian lepa
Slovenian lepa
Spanish hermosa
Tamil aḻakāṉa
Thai thī̀ s̄wyngām
Ukrainian krasyva
Vietnamese đẹp
Yiddish Şyyn
Zulu amahle
As you seek beauty in the outer world, you realize that you too are very beautiful from within. God made each one of us beautiful, as rightly said by Khalil Gibran―"Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart."

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