how to make balloon arches

How to Make Balloon Arches

Balloons can never lose their charm as a fun party decoration. Not only can you buy it in a slew of colorful variants, but they can be manipulated into creative shapes as well. Balloon arches are just one such way of using these bulbous beauties.

Balloons make up a major part of multiple occasions, like birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries, including parades, conventions, festival celebrations, political rallies, and the like. We have the balloonist Jacques Charles and the Robert brothers to thank, for their invention of the balloon. There are two kinds of balloons that we use today, namely, mylar and latex. To support the cause of saving and protecting the planet, the best sort of balloons to opt for - especially when many are going to be used - are biodegradable. They don't do any harm to the environment, and they're completely reliable for their durability and resistance to damage. In this section on how to make balloon arches, we'll take a look at how you can transform balloons into works of art, by following simple step-by-step instructions. They should ideally be a 100% latex and biodegradable, like Qualatex Balloon Network's balloons; they're A-grade in quality and are highly efficient, last longer than other sorts, and come in an extensive spectrum of colors. In the following DIY project, be sure to have all your materials on hand before getting started. How to Make Balloon Arches at Home Making the arch is fairly simple. As long as you have whatever the project requires, you needn't worry. This can be made from the comfort of your home, but if you need to transport the balloons elsewhere, I suggest making the arch at the venue instead. If you're having a backyard party, then making the balloon at home should be fine, without the hassle of moving them to another location.
What You'll Need:
  • Two buckets filled with either mud / sand
  • 2 rolls of decorating strip (one is enough, but buy another just in case you run out of it)
  • 1 spool of curling ribbon
  • 80 balloon pieces
  • 1 helium tank (if you can't find a place to buy it from, ask a party supplies store to temporarily provide one)
Step 1 Take about 5 ft of the curling ribbon and tie it to the handles of each tub; the tubs are going to be used as weights to hold the balloon arch in place, so that it doesn't end up afloat. Fasten the ribbons to the decorating strip, by slipping them through the last holes of both ends of the strip. Your strip should lie between the two buckets, by being securely tied to the ribbons that are attached to the handles.
Step 2 You can buy a helium tank if you think it'll be of constant use in the future. If not, there's always a party supplies store that can help. They'll either come over to your place and be of assistance, by filling up the balloons, or let you rent it for a day. Fill the balloons with helium, binding four at a time together, to create 20 clusters in total.
Step 3 Start with one cluster at a time, knotting the four ends of the balloons as one. Once you have your 20 clusters ready, it is time to now slip it through the decorating strip holes.
Step 4 As you can see, the knotted end of the cluster has been pulled through the decorating strip hole. Do this for all the clusters, making sure that the knot is firmly placed within each hole. Once you finish, you'll be left with a pretty balloon arch floating above you. Have someone lift the mud buckets carefully, before placing it outdoors where the arch is needed. You can create as many as you want, using these ludicrously simple steps.
Balloon arches can be experimented with, using all sorts of colors and prints, so don't be afraid to try something different every time you decide to create one. Using solid, matte-finished balloons with a blend of solo prints (like just polka dots, shimmer, or stripes), will really give it an interesting dimension.

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