how to gain weight fast for women

How to Gain Weight Fast for Women

Not only the overweight women but thin women also are worried about their weight. Here is some information on healthy foods that can help increase your weight. Scroll down, and take a look at the effective weight gaining tips...

There exist thousands of programs for losing weight fast. But what about those who want to gain weight quickly? Skinny women especially want to put on weight fast, and they only know that gaining weight is not as easy as it seems. Causes of being underweight can be high rate of metabolism, genetic disposition, certain disorders, or poor eating habits. Underweight women may have to suffer from problems in conception, problems in pregnancy, menstrual problems, etc. They have a greater risk of developing osteoporosis. Having weak immune system can lead to other illnesses. They may take more time to recover from illnesses. Most important of all is that women desperately want to have perfect curves at perfect places. They need that flesh on their bones to give them that beautiful, feminine look. Healthy Diet Gaining weight is not as impossible as some women think, you just need to make up your minds, and make all the right moves. Healthy foods do not mean "high calorie foods". You are supposed to eat healthy fats (for example canola oil, olive oil, lean white meat, fish, fish oil) and complex carbohydrates (like bran, wheat germ, corn, buckwheat, barley, cornmeal, oatmeal) which are healthy and beneficial. Sustainability of weight gain is ensured by a slow and steady approach towards it. And, you remain healthy with such an approach. You may incorporate following food items in regular diet:
  • Red beans sauce, with beef steak and fries.
  • Milkshakes with more cream and whole milk.
  • Mashed potatoes with cheese and butter
  • Spaghetti and meat ball sauce, lasagna.
  • Whole wheat bread with jam/butter/cream cheese.
  • Bagels with cheese spread, pizza
  • Banana, papaya, avocados, and mangoes, fresh fruit juices
  • Fried chicken with mayo, lettuce, and tomatoes.
  • Ice cream with chocolate sauce/chocolate shavings/sprinkles
  • Custard with caramel sauce
  • Salad dressing with salads
  • Non-veg cheese tacos, beef burgers
  • Cakes, cupcakes, and muffins
  • Food cooked in olive oil
  • Fresh vegetable salads with olive oil, tuna salad
  • Pancakes with flavored syrups, pastries like cupcakes/croissant
  • Healthy cereals and milk
  • Scrambled eggs, bacon and eggs, all type of meat, poultry
  • Foods containing different whole grains
  • Whole grain or multi-grain breads
  • Vegetable soups, vegetable juices, beans of all kinds, legumes
  • Fish like salmon, tuna, cod
  • Soy and soy products like tofu
  • Macaroni and cheese, cheese and crackers
  • Whole wheat pasta with cheese
  • Dried fruits and nuts like pistachios, cashews, almonds, and peanuts
  • Yams and Sweet potatoes (you may enjoy mashed potatoes, with butter and cheese), potatoes
  • Pancakes with chocolate/maple syrup
  • Donut rings with cheese/butter
  • Peanut butter with jelly sandwiches
  • Fish oil, flaxseed
  • Quinoa, granola
  • Oatmeal, corn, brown rice
You can add several other healthy foods to this list. Important Tips
  • Stay away from fast, junk, and highly processed food.
  • Plan your own diet, and stick to it.
  • Eat more, eat frequently.
  • Have 5-6 meals every day.
  • Enjoy snacks like nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, chicken, eggs, etc., during the day and before going to bed as well.
  • Avoid saturated fats, and include healthy fats in your diet.
  • Choose low-fat versions of milk products like low fat cheese and butter.
  • Consume lots of fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Avoid weight gain supplements as you may have to suffer from the side effects.
  • Exercise regularly. It helps increase appetite, it adds shape and curves to your body.
  • Drink plenty of water and healthy liquids like fruit juices, vegetable juices, milk, milkshakes etc. instead of soda, alcoholic beverages, and caffeine rich tea and coffee.
  • Perform yoga and meditate. This helps a lot to release pressure on your mind. Underweight women who have asthma or anemia are benefited in several ways by opting for yoga and meditation. It enhances the process of release of accumulated body toxins.
Not having the body in good shape can have serious effect on one's self-esteem, especially of underweight women. Fast weight gain for women involves eating more meals containing more protein and energy rich foods, exercising, and getting adequate rest. Last but not the least, do not compare your body with other woman's body. You should always love your body. Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.

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