how to find your feng shui kua number

How to Find Your Feng Shui Kua Number

Wondering if you can use Feng Shui to find your auspicious or lucky directions? Well, you can, and all you need to do is calculate your Kua number. Here's how...

KUA Num. -
Success (Sheng Chi) -
Health (Tien Yi) -
Relationships (Nien Yen) -
Personal Development (Fu Wei) -
Now that you're aware of your lucky directions, be happy to know that these are your energy areas where you should spend most of your time. The Kua number is your special 'Life Force Energy' number. Just use it to make small modifications in your home and office interiors, and watch the way it affects your life for the better. To get the best results, make sure that you face one of your auspicious directions while working, studying, or even sleeping. Good Luck!

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