how to draw water drops step by step

How to Draw Water Drops Step by Step

Drawing water drops requires one to get the play of shading and light right. Though it appears simple, getting a realistic and three-dimensional look requires some effort and practice. This Buzzle article shows you, in very easy steps, how to draw different kinds of water drops.

After the shading is done, look at the picture. Does it require any more work? Do not, at any cost, give over-detailing to your work, as it will simply destroy the complete look of the picture. Drawing a cartoon water drop is easy, and can be used to symbolize the necessity to save water as a resource which is scarce, or even to design a logo. Other than that, you can draw droplets on cobwebs, flowers, or the morning dew drops. If you're adept at using charcoal, you can use that for shading a realistic water droplet. The main thing is to practice until you get the desired output.

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