how to calculate percentage of weight loss

How to Calculate Percentage of Weight Loss

How to calculate percentage of weight loss? How to know how much weight you have lost? Do these questions keep bothering you? Here's an article on how to calculate weight loss. Read on...

The good Lord gave you a body that can stand most anything. It's your mind you have to convince. -Vincent Lombardi Losing weight and maintaining a healthy figure has become a necessity for people today. The modern and unhealthy lifestyle is held responsible for the increasing number of people being affected by obesity. People opt for different ways suitable to their lifestyle, in order to stay healthy and fit. You find them running to the gyms and health clubs, struggling to shed the extra pounds gained. But how many actually reach their goal? Very few! This is because, losing weight requires a lot of motivation, along with the strict fitness regime and diet. You can continue your weight loss program successfully only if you can actually see the results. Knowing the percentage of weight loss can be a morale booster for you. Method to Calculate Percentage of Weight Loss Losing weight can be quite difficult sometimes, as it requires a lot of hard work and dedication. Knowing the percentage of weight loss will help you set your weight loss target and encourage you to reach it faster. Here's how to go about it. Step 1: The most important thing you need to know in order to calculate weight loss is your weight, (IW) before starting the fitness program. Step 2: Subtract your current weight (CW), that is your weight after the exercise regime, from the initial weight (IW). IW- CW = L Step 3: This gives you the number of pounds that you have lost (L). Now divide this number by your initial weight (IW). L/ IW Step 4: The final step is to multiply the answer by 100 and round it to the nearest tenth. This gives you the percentage of weight loss. The formula to calculate weight loss percentage is as follows Percentage weight loss = [(IW- CW)/ IW] *100 or (L/IW)*100 where: IW = Initial Weight CW = Current Weight L = Number of pounds lost. Just substitute your weight in the above formula and get the percentage weight loss. Isn't it simple calculation? You can keep a track of your weight loss by this easy formula. Check your weight loss at intervals of 2 weeks or once a month. Add up the number of pounds lost every time and divide by the total number of times you have recorded it. This will give you the average weight loss per interval. It will help you figure out whether your fitness plan is working or not. If you find the percentage of weight loss is very low, you can think of making the necessary changes to your diet and exercise routine. However, according to the National Institute of Health, a 5 to 10 % loss of your current weight can reduce the risk of developing a lot of weight related diseases. You can create an excel sheet to directly calculate the percentage weight loss and keep a record over a period of time. So, get ready for a healthy fitness program. Also, remember that regular exercises and a well-balanced diet are the key to remain fit and fine!

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Причины для игры в клубе

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Корпоративные преимущества:
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Существует богатый список новых и старых игровых автоматов, которые погружают пользователя в ту или иную тематическую атмосферу.
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