homemade hydroponics

Techniques of Homemade Hydroponics

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants in water without using soil. There are several techniques in which you can use this mechanism for growing plants. For gardening enthusiasts, this is a sure delight.

The Flow and Ebb Method: You will require a second tub with a lid for this method, which will serve as a reservoir. Holes will have to be cut into sides of each of these tubs, from which a tube for running the water should be fixed from one tub to the other. The connections can be sealed with a waterproof sealant. Basically, this system is based on the principle of gravity. The liquid solution will run from the tub that serves as the reservoir to the one that contains the growing medium, when the former is placed at a higher level, or on the same level as the latter one. When the tub containing the growing medium needs to be drained, the positions of the tubs should be changed. This process should be carried out a number of times in a day. The Reservoir Method: In this method, instead of the nutrient solution flowing and ebbing from one tub to another, the plants sit in the tub which is filled with the nutrient solution. The roots are provided oxygen by an external air pump, the tubing of which is passed into the bottom of the tub via a hole cut into the lid. Once the hydration is set up, a system of providing the plants with light will also have to be arranged. Your hydroponics system can be placed on a window that gets sunlight directly, or, in case there is no access to direct sunlight, you can use an artificial lighting system such as a fluorescent lamp or a high intensity discharge (HID) lamp. In case you do not want to make your own hydroponics system, there are kits available in the market, which come with a growing guide, pH kits, as well as the nutrients. These commercial systems also come in any of the number of techniques that are used.

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