high jump technique

High Jump Technique

Getting the technique right as far as high jump is concerned is of utmost importance. Here's something that will guide you better...

Javier Sotomayor holds the world record for high jump at 8 feet 0.46 inches. Of course it needs special talent coupled with dedicated practice to be the best in the world at anything, but something like this isn't achievable without mastering the proper technique. Proper Technique for High Jump Phase #1 The first phase, the approach, is the most crucial aspect of a high jump. If this part is messy, the whole jump will be a damp squib. Thus, we will 'approach' the approach first. Running straight, transition, and then the curve, are three factors in approach. It is important to build speed and momentum while running towards the bar. This makes sure that the jump is set up well. The last stage, the curve, is where the speed and momentum built have to be translated into a good take off. Leaning inwardly, the rhythm of the steps change and become quicker with each step. Phase #2 Now comes the take off. Here, the curve while running gives the chance to drop one's center of mass slightly. The last step can be bang on if this is done right. Proper placement of the foot too is facilitated by this curve. The time is now perfect for the vertical lift, which is the last step. Inward lean and backward lean lets one generate rotational force, which eventually aids in clearing the bar. The take off also includes blocking. Blocking means sudden stopping of a body part, helping another one to accelerate better. Free arms and legs are used to block, and the more powerfully you block them, the better your take off will be. On take off, you need to drive up your free leg as high as possible. The Flight During the take off, the head has to be in the direction of the far standard. Once you go mid air, the hips are near the bar, the head has to be directly in the backward direction. This will let the hips rise over the bar. The head will then need to be brought back to the chest to clear the bar. You will ultimately land on your upper back in the pit. Practicing Drills One of the primary things an aspiring athlete has to incorporate in his high jump drills is plain running. Conditioning is inevitable for any athlete. It is definitely not a cakewalk to get your body off the ground and over the pole without any propelling force other than your own limbs. Practicing the arching of the back is another mandatory drill for high jumpers. In addition to that, playing basketball will contribute to jumping better vertically. Further, the curved running and jumping movements in basketball are very useful in high jumping. Most of all, relentless practice is the only thing that will help you get better.

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