headache behind left eye

Headache Behind Left Eye

A sharp headache behind the left eye or both the eyes could be a symptom of either a type of headache, or other health-related issues. Here's a look into what causes it, its associated symptoms, and various treatment options for the same.

A very common complaint regarding headaches is one behind the left eye. People tend to complain of extreme shooting pains involving the area around the left eye or behind both eyes. This is described as a symptom of cluster headaches. These headaches are so called because they occur in cycles or clusters.
Such headaches may have multiple causes, from something as simple as dry eyes to more serious conditions of the eyes.
  • Dry Eyes: A common problem faced especially among those who spend all day before a computer screen, dry eyes are a very prominent reason for headaches that occur behind the left eye. These are symbolized by constant itching and sharp stabbing pains behind the eye. This problem can be eliminated by using eye drops that induce tears. Sometimes, even watering of the eyes may be a symptom of dry eyes. Only professional consultation can determine this.
  • Sinusitis: A sinus infection can cause a throbbing pain behind the eye. It is accompanied by runny nose, sensitivity to light and fever.
  • Scleritis: Scleritis may be associated with other disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and gout. It is an inflammation of the eye causing redness and pain. If these symptoms are not noticed, scleritis may not be a reason for the recurring pain. This disorder is treated with the help of steroids.
  • Orbital Inflammatory Syndrome: This disease can be identified only after a CT Scan, and the cause for it is unknown. However, the symptoms causing headache behind the left eye, such as inflammation of the muscles around the eye, etc. are the same.
  • Cranial Nerve Palsies: When blood supply to the nerves in the muscles around the eye are erratic, the condition is known as Cranial Nerve Palsies. Not only does this cause a severe headache behind the left eye, it also causes double vision and is very painful. Persons suffering from diabetes are more likely to suffer from this condition.
  • Optic Neuritis: This condition not only causes these headaches, but also blurry vision and color misconceptions. It is diagnosed when it begins to affect the muscles surrounding the eye. Again, steroids are used to treat the condition. However, it is a recurring condition.
Sometimes, these headaches may be caused due to hormonal and chemical changes in the blood vessels of the brain.
These headaches have several effects and associated symptoms that may cause discomfort.
  • A constant and throbbing ache behind the eye is usually accompanied by a piercing and burning sensation.
  • The pain is constant only behind one eye and does not change regions.
  • The duration of the pain is usually 30 to 90 minutes but may also last from 15 minutes to 3 hours. The pain can also recur in the same day.
  • This intense headache behind the eye usually occurs at the same time everyday. It can also awaken one in the night because of its intensity.
  • The left eye becomes droopy followed by tearing, further resulting in redness. The pupil contracts and the nose becomes stuffy and runny.
  • People suffering from a headache behind their left eye may not be able to tolerate light falling on that eye.
Persons suffering from headaches behind eyes should consult a doctor if the symptoms persist. They may also adhere to these following preventive as well as treatment methods to help ease the pain.
  • Use of alcohol and tobacco by persons suffering from such headaches should be checked.
  • Consumption of medication that may cause hormonal changes, such as oral contraceptives, should also be reduced.
  • To be able to check the recurrence of such headaches, foods containing nitrate such as processed foods, should be avoided.
  • If this condition has been caused by sinusitis, an attempt to reduce the inflammation of the sinus by steaming and taking relevant medication will also reduce the occurrence of such headaches.
If any of these treatment options fail to work, it is advisable to consult an ophthalmologist, as these conditions can worsen over time. One may experience numbness of the eye in such conditions. It is best to take professional consultation in order to be able to eliminate this condition from the core, and to prevent the recurrence of a similar disorder. Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informational purposes only, and does not seek to replace the advice of a medical expert.

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