advice on choosing the right weightlifting gloves

Advice on Choosing the Right Weightlifting Gloves

To avoid the buildup of sweat, to get a good grip, and to avoid injury, it is important to wear the right pair of weightlifting gloves. In this Buzzle article, we will give you some advice on how to choose right weightlifting gloves so that you can get the most out of them.

While buying a pair of weightlifting gloves, ask for the return policy. After purchasing the gloves, try lifting some weights, and check if they meet your expectations. If they do not, get them exchanged.
Strength training exercises are done for muscle-building. These exercises involve lifting weights to develop muscle strength. However, all these rigorous exercises if performed incorrectly, may injure your hands and wrists, thus, making it necessary to wear protective gear. One of the most common and important protective gears is weightlifting gloves. The right gloves will keep your hands dry, and prevent injuries caused due to the slipping of weights. It will also protect your palms from blisters and calluses. Therefore, you need to be very careful while purchasing these gloves. Following are some tips that can help you get the right ones. Take a look.
Decide the purpose of the gloves
The first thing to consider is the purpose of buying the gloves. These gloves help protect your palms from the formation of blisters, and also provide a good grip on the bars. If you just want gloves to keep your hands dry, then you can use neoprene gloves. If you lift heavy weights, then leather gloves will be the best option.
Check the amount of wrist support
If you intend to use gloves for light or casual weightlifting, then you can buy a pair that covers only your hands. But if you lift heavy weights, then choose gloves that wrap around the wrists. These gloves will support your wrists, and will help you with your lifts. Opt for Velcro straps for a tight and better fit. Gloves with long straps provide maximum support to the wrists.
Pick one within your budget
Different types of gloves are available at varying prices. You may get a cheap pair for around USD 15, or an expensive one for about USD 100, or even more. Buying expensive gloves will only make sense if you're interested in professional weightlifting or bodybuilding. If you're a beginner, it is better to go for inexpensive ones, and then, if required, buy the costlier ones.
Go for better material
Most commonly used gloves are made of leather and neoprene. Both these fabrics provide better grip than nylon gloves. Leather gloves also prevent the formation of blisters. Nowadays, you can get gloves made from synthetic material, like latex gloves, which not only provide good grip, but also help remove moisture from the hands.
Try them before you buy them
Just selecting a material and deciding the type of glove you want will not give you a perfect piece. You must wear the gloves to check the fitting. It is always better to buy weightlifting gloves from a store, in person, rather than ordering them online. Do not just take what is available, try 4-5 types of gloves, and then decide the best one, according to comfort, fit, and utility.
Make fitting a priority
It is very important to choose perfect fitting gloves. If the gloves are too loose, then you might not get a good grip on the bar. This can be dangerous, as the weight can slip from your hand and cause injury. Leather as well as the neoprene lifting gloves should stretch and fit your hands properly.
Consider open finger gloves
Completely closed fingers in the gloves may cause sweating, which can lead to loss of grip. Open finger gloves help the fingers remain dry, and lets them breathe inside the gloves. This gives you a better grip on the bar. The right pair of gloves can avoid a lot of problems caused during weightlifting. They can also increase your reps without exerting excess pressure on your hands. So, follow the advice given in this Buzzle article, and enjoy a good and safe training session.

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