grass allergy rash

Grass Allergy Rash

Skin rash due to grass allergy is a common occurrence during summer and spring time. Small children in particular are more susceptible to it. Read on to know more about it...

Grass allergy occurs when the body is exposed to the grass pollens. Many people suffer from this seasonal allergy every year. There are several varieties of grass, but only few of them cause allergic reactions. Actually, grass pollens are harmless substances. However, when they enter your body, the immune system becomes hypersensitive. It assumes them to be harmful and reacts adversely. For this reason, it starts releasing antibodies to protect itself, which causes inflammation in the body. The rash formed due to grass pollens is nothing but a form of allergic skin inflammation.
Characteristics of Rashes due to Grass Allergy
The skin rashes appear because of a severe form of allergic reaction towards grass pollens.
  • These eruptions look like swollen, red bumps of various sizes on the skin surface.
  • They show up mostly on hands and fingers, but can be found in other parts of the body as well.
  • These rashes become extremely itchy at times.
  • The irritated skin often triggers eruption of hives too.
  • Just before the rashes appear, the usual symptoms of allergic rhinitis are observed.
  • Irritation inside the nose, eyes, and throat set off runny nose, nasal congestion, post nasal drip, dry cough, sneezing, etc.
  • It also causes wheezing, breathing difficulty, and asthma attack.
  • Some people get allergic conjunctivitis which is identified with watery eyes and swollen eyelids.
  • If the pollens come in direct contact with any skin abrasion, then symptoms of anaphylaxis could be observed. It is characterized by abnormal swelling in tongue, lips and throat, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, and loss of consciousness.
Treatment for Grass Allergy Rashes
The main aim of the treatment is to get rid of the skin rash as well as other accompanying symptoms.
  • Oral corticosteroids are given to bring down the skin inflammation.
  • Antihistamines are widely used for allergy relief. They stop the release of histamines in the body, and thus reduces the symptoms. this checks swelling of the hives, itching sensation of the rashes, and also helps in getting rid of runny nose and watery eyes.
  • For nasal congestion, decongestants can be used orally. Nasal sprays are also given for the same purpose, particularly to those who are suffering from asthma attack.
  • If the condition of the rashes are really bad, then corticosteroid creams can be applied topically to alleviate the itchiness.
  • Those who develop allergic conjunctivitis need eye drops to treat the red, itchy eyes.
Home Remedies
Nasal irrigation is an excellent home treatment for stuffy nose triggered by the allergic reaction. You need a neti pot and some saline water for this purpose.
  • Put some lukewarm water into the pot.
  • Add half teaspoonful of salt to it.
  • Stir it well.
  • Pour this solution into one nostril through the spout of the neti pot which will then drain out in the mouth. You have to spit it out.
  • Repeat the procedure for other nostril.
Doctors often recommend the intake of vitamin C supplements along with the allergy medications, as it is good for controlling allergies. Drinking plenty of water is essential to flush out the allergy causing toxins from the body. For faster recovery, you have to take adequate amount of rest, which includes 8 hours of sleep.
Once your grass allergy is treated successfully, you have to prevent it. As it is an airborne allergen, it is really difficult to avoid exposure to pollens, but use of a face mask can be helpful. After coming back from outdoors, take a shower to wash off the pollens. Sometimes, allergists desensitize patients with the help of immunotherapy. It reduces the chances of recurrence of this seasonal allergy. For this, small doses of grass pollens are injected into the body to enhance its tolerance. As the body starts enduring it, the dose is increased. This treatment continues for several years, but it gives a long-term benefit to the patient. Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.

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