facts quotes and trivia about the month of april

Facts, Quotes, and Trivia About the Month of April

April, the fourth month of the year, beckons the buds from the Northern Hemisphere to open up and bear flowers. Such is the beauty of this month. This fact is just a glimpse of all that this month has to offer, which is what this Buzzle article attempts to do.

1. Is Easter always celebrated in April?
It is a movable feast, so it can be any time after March 22nd to April 25th.
2. Which city was hit by a destructive earthquake on April 18, 1906?
San Francisco. It killed almost 3,000 people.
3. What do the French call a person who has been fooled on April Fools' Day?
Poisson d'avril (meaning April Fish)
4. Which England's patron saint is remembered on April 23?
Saint George
5. Which is the gemstone of April? What does it signify?
Diamond. It signifies innocence.
6. The 13th of April is which board game's national day?
It is National Scrabble Day.
7. On 25th of April, ANZAC is celebrated in which country? And why?
It is celebrated in Australia as a reminder of the brave soldiers who fought and lost their lives in Gallipoli, in 1915.
8. Which fictional cartoon character first appeared on April 17?
Daffy Duck
9. When did the famous ship "Titanic" sink?
April 14, 1912
10. What did the Anglo-Saxons call April?
Oster-monath or Eostur-monath

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