epoxy vs fiberglass surfboards

Epoxy Vs. Fiberglass Surfboards

When choosing a surfboard, should you opt for epoxy or fiberglass? This Buzzle article helps you make a choice by making you familiar with the pros and cons of each.

Did You Know?
The sport of surfing is believed to have originated in Polynesia around 400 A.D, and when the Polynesians brought the sport to Hawaii, they used wooden surfing boards!
One of the most important tools needed to enjoy the thrill and adventure of surfing is a good quality surfboard that makes you feel safe and comfortable as you ride the high waves in the open sea. That being said, there are mainly two types of surfboard materials to choose from―fiberglass and epoxy resin. If you are an experienced surfer who loves to surf the high waves, then you should definitely opt for fiberglass as it is rigid, and offers more stability. However, beginners find it easy to use an epoxy surfing board, as it is lightweight and easy to maneuver and carry around. So, what are the other parameters that make surfers choose one over the other? What are the distinct benefits offered by each? Let us find out. To begin with, generally, fiberglass surfboards are preferred by purists who believe in sticking to tradition. However, epoxy surfboards have found their own followers too! Fiberglass has a more classic look to it.
Epoxy Surfboards Fiberglass Surfboards
Common name for polystyrene Common name for polyurethane
Stiffer and difficult to shape Flexible and easier to shape
More expensive Less expensive
Effect of Water
Does not get damaged by the effect of water Gets delaminated by the absorption of water over time
Can withstand the toughest shocks. Highly durable. Fragile and breaks at the slightest shock. Not durable.
Ease of use
Lightweight and easier to handle Bulky and heavy. Difficult to carry around.
Sun Damage
Resistant to sun damage Prone to damage by the UV rays of the sun
Epoxy Vs. Fiberglass: An Overview Fiberglass surfboards are less expensive due to the flexibility of the material, which makes it easier to give them a desired shape. Also, when it comes to shock absorbing abilities, it is the fiberglass surfboard that wins hands down. However, the lightweight epoxy surfboard is easier for the surfer to carry. Fiberglass surfboards are rendered useless after a short period, which results in creation and addition of more wastes in the environment. Epoxy resin boards, on the other hand, are durable. Hence, using them adds to your carbon footprint. However, note that neither fiberglass nor epoxy resin is biodegradable, and should be disposed of responsibly to prevent permanent damage to the environment. So, have you made a choice yet? No matter which one you go for, it is the passion for the sport that will make you enjoy every moment as you stride above the waves. Have fun!

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