do you speak british or american english take this quiz to know

Do You Speak British or American English? - Take This Quiz to Know

This is not about how good you are in English, but about your style (word usage) of speaking. Do you speak British or American English? Take this quiz. Who knows! You might just be surprised.

Besides many American English words being different from British English words for saying the same thing, another difference is British and American spellings. American English leaves out the 'u' in many words like colour, neighbour, favourite, etc. Also, in many cases, the construction of a sentence may differ, even though the end meaning is the same. For example, using American English one would ask, 'Do you have any brothers?'. The same thing asked in British English would go like, 'Have you got any brothers?'. In BE, one would say, 'I am going to have a nap', while in AE it would be said like, 'I am going to take a nap'. I can go on and on with such examples, but let's leave that to another day and page.

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