decoupage furniture

Decoupage Furniture

Decoupage furniture to give it a new look and watch how it transforms your home. Find out how, in this article.

Some Ideas You can Use
  • If you want a rustic decor, you can take pictures of anything antique. Give these pictures a black and white or old photo filter and you'll have wonderful antique pictures to use.
  • You can also collect all your old family pictures and make a collage on a coffee table or a work desk.
  • Another idea you can use is cut out pictures of things that your child can identify easily. Shapes, flowers, colors, fruits, animals, etc. Stick them on his or her desk. Change the cutouts as he or she grows.
Come up with more creative ideas to decoupage furniture on your own and you'll thoroughly enjoy this process of recycling your furniture! Have fun!

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