dating a married man

Dating a Married Man

Dating a married person has a stigma attached to it. It's a tricky situation wherein you have to act practically, without forgoing your sanity.

The lure for forbidden fruit is ancient. Some women are simply fascinated by the sinful challenges of life. Dating a married man is one such challenge, that some women may find quite alluring. What is it that attracts women to married men? Why is the urge to steal someone else's husband so irresistible that even women with sound conscience cannot forgo it? Dating a married person is indeed morally demeaning, but above all, it is an emotional mess, which the woman involved in the relationship is expected to clear. Before giving any relationship advice for women involved in such turbulent affair, it would be enticing to know what attracts women to a married man. Why do Women Love to Date a Married Man Falling in love with a married man offers a thrilling and exciting experience for women who are fed up of their humdrum life. This experience is full of challenges and women who love challenges simply grab this opportunity. This also means a safe game for women who are reluctant to commit and expect the same of their partner. Since affair with a married man doesn't need to be sealed with a ring, these women can have their cake and eat it too. Sometimes, the attraction towards married men stems from childhood trauma, wherein the woman may have experienced a feeling of abandonment. Some women, who may find it unable to get a man of their own, find great pleasure in stealing someone else's husband. In certain rare cases, a woman may be genuinely in love with a married man, who in turn may also reciprocate her feelings. This is where the real problem lies. If it's a fling for thrill, then the two parties involved will eventually go their own ways, but if they are genuinely in love with each other, the relationship can be traumatic for them as well as their respective families. What Happens in Such Relationships Being in a relationship with a married man is not at all gratifying. You will be left alone more often than you think, as the man has his responsibilities towards his wife and children. He won't be available on weekends and vacation, as it is essentially a 'family time'. Moreover, due to the social stigma attached to an extramarital affair, he will be always wary of going out with you for the fear of someone spotting him with you. Even when he is with you, he will be constantly checking his watch as he may not want to go home late and fuel his wife's suspicions. Thus, it would be almost impossible to relax with such a man. If you are dating a married colleague at work, then you might have to endure your coworkers' criticism and make several compromises on professional front. Dating a married man means, you will be required to attend the important events in your life, such as your best friend's wedding or your grandmother's funeral, on your own. Eventually, you will feel the need for a partner who will stand by you through thick and thin. Apart from this, you may constantly find yourself confronted with your own conscience. No matter how well you may justify your affair with a married man, the guilt factor will always be there. So our advice would be to avoid such situations that might make your life a lot more complicated. What is the Future of Such Relationships To be very honest, there is no future when you are dating a married person. However, if you are seeing a married man who is separated from his wife you may have a chance of starting a life with this man. Yet, the issue of children, if involved and the fact that the man truly loves you or not are crucial in determining whether you would be lucky in this relationship or not. In rest of the cases, the relationship often spells a doom for the woman. In absence of a bright future, the woman is often left alone to cope with her emotional stress. In some cases, there is a slim chance that the man may leave his children and wife and come to you forever. But, even if he does, do you wish to spend your life with a man who cheated upon his wife? If he could do this to his wife, he could as well do it to you. Moreover, you will have to face his innocent children, who may grow up to hate you, for breaking their happy family apart. And lastly, think about his wife, the woman who cared for him, bore his children and stood by him in his crisis. Your man is least likely to leave this woman for you. Hence, sooner or later, you will have to exit his life, and the sooner you do this the better. Although, dating a married man is not essentially a sin, it is certainly not socially acceptable. It will cost you your reputation in the society and may force your own family to disown you. This is certainly not worth all the trouble and you sure don't deserve this, especially, when there are worthier candidates out there vying for you!

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