a complete list of national flags of all countries in alphabetical order

A Complete List of National Flags of all Countries in Alphabetical Order

It is quite humbling when one realizes how many different nations are spread across the globe. Even more amazing are the flags that represent each one of them. Buzzle provides a list of flags of all these countries of the world, in alphabetical order, to curb the curiosity bug in you.

The Flag, Symbol of All Liberties
The term, vexillology, derived from the Greek words vexillum (flag), and logia (study), scientifically speaking, means 'the study of the history, representation, and the application of flags'. The International Federation of Vexillological Associations (FIAV) maintains a database of different world flags. The Flags of the World website is the largest internet resource that not only publishes information about these flags but also distributes it periodically.
One cannot help but marvel at the variety and diversity in the national flags of these various countries. However, on further inspection, a similarity in pattern and color can be noticed in flags of certain groups of countries. In fact, a number of events of national importance inspire the design of each flag. If you notice closely, a lot of African nations have a unique distribution of the Rasta colors of , , and in their respective flags. History has it that Ethiopia was one of the first African countries to not only put up a resistance to European colonization but also succeeded at it. This nation stood out as an inspiring symbol of courage to other emerging African countries during the Pan African movement, and so, many of them adopted the colors of the Ethiopian national flag in their own flags. On similar lines, a number of Arab countries in the Middle East have modeled their flags after the official flag of the Arab Revolt and the Arab Liberation Flag. Fasten your seatbelt, as we take you for a ride across the globe for a closer look at each country's flag.
D, E, F
H, I, J
K, L
O, P, Q, R
Saint Kitts & Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Pierre & Miquelon
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines
San Marino
São Tomé & Príncipe
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
Sint Maarten
Solomon Islands
South Africa
South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands
South Korea
South Sudan
Sri Lanka
The Sudan
U, V, W, X, Y, Z
The above showcase of flags of the nations of the world, in alphabetical order covers every country's flag, except a few disputed territories, and individual federal subjects of Russia. If you are a flag enthusiast, your study of this interesting subject should not end here, because national flags are just one of the many applications of flags. There are state flags, organizational flags, military flags, war flags, religious flags, and even special flags that are used at sea. The flag has been recognized as a symbol of freedom in a number of songs by popular artists all over the world. The unforgettable lyrics of Wavin' Flag by Somali-Canadian artist, K'naan, which was originally written honoring the aspiration of freedom of the Somali people, is a heartfelt dedication to flags, a metaphor for liberty;
When I get older I will be stronger They'll call me 'Freedom' just like a wavin' flag

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